Why and how to build a website for my small business?

Alexis Clarembeau
2 min readApr 17, 2021

Nowadays, it is essential to have an online presence. Not only does a company’s website make it easier to promote its products and services. But your website is also a free way to spread the right message to your prospects and customers. Moreover, setting up a website for a business or even an e-commerce site has never been easier.

As a small business, you’re probably wondering: should I spend time and effort creating a website? Aren’t there more important things to do? Of course, there are. But we’d like to point out that having a website for your business, even if it’s very small or you’re targeting a specific audience, can be beneficial to your business.

Here, we wanted to highlight three important benefits that a website can bring to your business.

1. Showcase your work, save time

The most obvious use of a website is to showcase your work. There are many types of websites, and among them, the portfolio site is one of the most common. Even if you’re not selling anything, or putting a lot of effort into your website, it’s still a good idea to show what you can do.

It helps your customers understand what you offer and what differentiates you from your competitors. It can save you a lot of time explaining over and over what you do or giving additional information. Invite people to see your website.

2. Build your credibility

Another hidden benefit of a website is to increase brand awareness and build your credibility. This is even important for very small businesses: having a website establishes your company as a real business. A website is one of the easiest aspects of your business to share with the public. By showing a website to your customers, you are showing that you are a real business, conducting public business, and that builds confidence.

3. Reach a wider market

A final benefit of a website is that it allows you to reach a wider market. People who find your website interesting will be much more likely to share it than business cards. You can even reach people you don’t even know by appearing in search engine results for your particular industry. If done correctly, this can be a huge boost for your business.

Now comes the most tricky question: how do you build a website for your business? People often think that this is a very expensive operation. And it is. But not always.

Even if you’re not a techie, visual website builders (such as Wix or Worpdress) are becoming increasingly easy to use and can allow you to create a website in minutes without any coding knowledge. All you need is a few images, a few paragraphs, or text.

If you don’t want to do it yourself, many agencies can do it for you. If you don’t have too many requirements for your website and just want to have a portfolio to showcase your work, this can also be a very cost-effective solution.

Originally published at https://datelist.io.

