Schedule cronjobs online with Cronit

Alexis Clarembeau
1 min readSep 3, 2022
Cronit — Illustration

Have you ever had to set up a recurring task execution, for example, to call a script, or to perform an operation in a database? If so, this article is for you.

Although in theory easy to set up, it is not always easy to set up a computer system executing periodic actions. Depending on your IT infrastructure, you may have to put a server online, call a periodic job execution utility, like cron, but also maintain and configure it.

In order to save you from these sometimes heavy tasks, we have created Cronit. Cronit is a periodic job execution system, entirely available from your web browser, and does not require any installation.

Thanks to Cronit, all you have to do is to specify the action you want to perform, and specify a schedule (every day, every 10 minutes, …), and our service takes care of the rest.

Do you want to know more? Feel free to have a look at our tool at
The good news is, the tool is completely free, if you execute less than 500 tasks per month

